Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Does KUMON Help Students Grow Their Creative Side?

By Anna Seacat

Because I have often been asked whether KUMON's formal learning process can somehow curb a child's creative tendencies, I felt compelled to share this amazing KUMON success story with you.  As shown in the video below, a successful game developer discussed how he applies the math and reading skills he mastered as a KUMON student to his creative-driven career.

This video is a must-see for administrators, teachers, parents, and students in Lexington, KY, who have questions about the benefits of the KUMON methodology.  The story effectively communicated that the KUMON program produces confident students, who are eager to apply mastered skills in reading and math to creative endeavors.  Additionally, the student in this video mentioned that KUMON helped him learn to face and overcome life's daily challenges, rather than fear and back down from "difficult" work.
