Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why is My Child Repeating KUMON Worksheets?

By Sudha Chopra

The most common question I receive from KUMON parents in Lexington, KY is why their children are repeating KUMON worksheets.  Parents of KUMON students are sometimes concerned that their children are not progressing quickly through KUMON levels. They tend to identify repeated KUMON worksheets as unnecessary “filler.”  This article will explain why there are times when a KUMON student will need to repeat a worksheet that they have already completed.

KUMON students in Lexington, KY
A KUMON student’s work is assessed after every class.  Based on the feedback from the class and the KUMON homework, it is determined if the current concept needs to be reviewed or not.  This feedback will help the KUMON instructor ensure that the student is well prepared to tackle the next concept. 

One of our objectives is to ensure that we are not over repeating or moving on without reviewing. If a student over-repeats exercises, we are not maximizing the progress that a student can make.  On the other hand, if we move a student on when they are not ready, the student will not feel confident with the next concept.

To use an analogy, the KUMON program is like building a home.  A strong foundation is essential to lay before building the structure.  Now the question is, “How do we gauge if the foundation is strong?”  In KUMON, we gauge whether or not your child’s foundational skills in each level are strong enough to move on by assessing their speed and accuracy.  Consequently, if the speed and accuracy is not where it needs to be, as they are approaching the next concept, previous worksheets are repeated to strengthen the foundation. 

Please be assured that your child’s KUMON instructor is focused on maximizing how much a student can do without compromising their confidence. This balance is the determining factor for whether or not a student needs to repeat a KUMON worksheet. 

We love to answer KUMON questions.  If you are a KUMON parent and have a question, please fill out our contact form above. 

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